The Bride’s Awakening
Holy Spirit led me to this video today, which managed to totally wreck me for a while:
And afterwards He laid this upon my heart to share:
Ignore the prophets of doom – the Bride of Christ is waking up. Who is the Bride? All true believers in Christ. Bad theology and prophecies of doom have led many to believe a lie that when Christ returns, the Bride will be a tiny remnant, battered and broken, with a torn and muddy wedding gown, hiding and feebly waiting. That is simply not the case. More and more people are waking up – God is blessing them with eyes to see, ears to hear, and mouths to speak truth and life. Signs and wonders – true miracles from the Holy Spirit, are occurring everywhere around us. As more people wake up and learn their true identities in Christ, they will begin to manifest the miraculous everywhere they go.
There is no stopping the Bride from waking up and continuing to grow. The enemy already lost some 2,000 years ago, and the victory of the Kingdom of Heaven is becoming more apparent with each passing day. God is calling all his children, which means *everyone* – including the lost, home to Him. He’s not mad at you. He loves you and is waiting with open arms for you to come running back to Him. For believers, it is time to move into action mode. Ask God to remove any fear you might have and give you boldness and an ability to see people as Christ sees them. Being on our knees in our prayer closets is a wonderful thing, but we also need to go out into the world and make ourselves available to be led by the Holy Spirit. It is time to bring people hope, love, and freedom through the love of Christ!